Ethiopia Yirgacheffe is one of my all-time favorite coffees, if not my most favorite. This high altitude African coffee is known for its floral, fruity, and sweet profile. After roasting and grinding this coffee, it gives off a strong chocolate-covered blueberry aroma. The tasting notes consist of blueberry, milk chocolate, florals, and a lemon-like acidity. As supply refreshes, the farm origin for this coffee will vary. Every once in a while, I will offer a natural processed, which gives a wild fruity, fermented, and vibrant flavor profile; However, that will be a separate listing.
This import comes from a farmer named Mijane Woresa, who cultivates with his sons in Ethiopia's Gadeb district. Their family supports their community to promote change in infrastructure and care for children. They offer coffee from two wash stations, Halo Hartume and Worka Sakaro. These beans are collected from over 400 farmers on small lots, which are then hand-sorted, processed, and fermented for two days at teh Worka Sakaro station. After another classification, they're placed on raised beds and hand-sorted again. After about 15 days, the beans are dry and prepared for export.
Roast level: Light
Growing altitude: 2,000+ MASL
Processing: Washed, sun-dried
Varietal: Heirloom
Harvest: October-January